How to reach us

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  4. How to reach us

How to reach us

The headquarters located on the outskirts of Bologna, Via Magnanelli 6/3, 40033 Casalecchio di Reno, Bologna ITALY ph. + 39 051 6171411

Directions to the Cineca’s Headquarter in Casalecchio di Reno, Bologna. 

Where to stay, if you visit Cineca’s Headquarter in Casalecchio di Reno, Bologna.

For more detailed information on how to reach the other operational locations, you can find more information on Cineca’s website. Click on the name of the city:

  • The Rome office is in via dei Tizi, 6/B – Tel. +39 06 444861
  • The Milan office is in Corso Garibaldi, 86
  • The Naples office is in via Medina, 40, Scala A
  • The Chieti office is in via dei Vestini, 31, at the Gabriele D’Annunzio Chieti-Pescara University


Mail Address

CINECA High Performance Computing Department
Via Magnanelli 6/3
40033 Casalecchio di Reno – Bologna