AI-BOOST kicked off to establish a prominent open challenge prize programme, that will serve as a standard for the European Artificial Intelligence community
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- AI-BOOST kicked off to...
On 22-23 January 2024, AI-BOOST (Artificial Intelligence for better opportunities and scientific progress towards a trustworthy and human-centric digital environment) officially kicked off with a hybrid meeting that took place in Brussels, on the premisses of EIT Digital.
The 36-month project will respond to the European Commission’s call to support innovative European AI startups and SMEs. By fostering collaboration between the key stakeholders in the AI community it will define attractive AI challenges with the potential to lead trustworthy and human-centric real-world solutions. To achieve this, the project is already establishing important synergies with key AI associations in Europe.
On the first day of the meeting, it was held the Stakeholders Workshop -”Navigating the AI landscape in EU: How can we share the future?”. The purpose of this session was to proactively seek collaborations to get ready for the changes brought by AI and to strengthen the competitiveness in Europe.
In this workshop the project counted with the presence of ADRA – The Ai Data Robotics Association, BDVA – Big Data Value Association, European DIGITAL SME Alliance and EuroHPC JU. The main discussion topics were about the AI trends in Europe, which sectors and industries are more impacted by AI and how the AI “boom” is seen from a data management perspective.
The rest of the meeting was dedicated to go over the already achieved results and to set the tone for the next months and AI challenges to come.
Remembering that AI-BOOST is an active project since September 2023 and has ongoing its first AI challenge the “Large AI Grand Challenge”, that is looking for European startups and SMEs that are willing to develop a language foundation model from scratch. AI-BOOST is composed by a consortium composed of seven partners: ZABALA, F6S, CINECA, INESC TEC, Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Safarika V Kosiciach, EIT DIGITAL and Universitat Pompeu Fabra.
Follow AI-BOOST today to take part in the shaping of the next level of European AI open competitions.
Visit the project website: Join AI-BOOST’s community on Twitter (@aiboost_project) & on LinkedIn (@aiboost-project)