Cineca expresses sincere condolences for Prof. Tripiccione’s passing away

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Cineca joins the pain of the family, and of the scientific community, for the sudden death of Prof. Raffaele (Lele) Tripiccione.

Prof. Tripiccione was Professor of theoretical physics at the University of Ferrara, and INFN researcher. Much of his scientific career had been devoted to theoretical computational physics, the study of particularly complex aspects of nature using computers in those cases where "traditional" mathematics doesn’t allow us to get the results we’re interested in. With this same approach and these same goals, his most recent research has focused on quantum computing.

For many years Prof. Tripiccione has collaborated with Cineca as a user of supercomputing systems and, in particular, in the role of President of the Access Panel, whose task is to manage the procedure to access Italian supercomputing resources through peer review in line with European (PRACE) and global procedures.

President Francesco Ubertini, DG David Vannozzi, HPC Director Sanzio Bassini and the members of the Access Panel offer to the family of Prof. Tripiccione, and to the staff of the institutions for which he carried out his research, condolences from all Cineca: his disappearance is a great human and scientific loss.