ECMWF: Video in support of the Italian candidacy of Bologna

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Will Bologna be the new headquarters of the European Weather Center (ECMWF)? Pending the imminent verdict, scheduled for the beginning of February, Cineca along with  the  Emilia-Romagna Region, Arpae, Aster, FBM, and with the support of the Ministry for the Environment and Protection of Land and Sea, produced a video that tells the tradition, the expertise and excellence of the territory, in support of the nomination.

Italy has a long tradition in the field of meteorology and today meets all the requirements in order to become the location of the future European weather centre. This is the message of the video "Bologna for ECMWF", produced by Cineca with the Emilia-Romagna Region, Arpae, Aster and FBM to support the candidature of Bologna as the headquarters of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts.

The story starts from the mid-nineteenth century, when Father Secchi organized a weather forecast service designed as a network between cities, to become a part of a larger network created at the European level. The video, therefore, starts with the studies and forecasts performed with ancient instruments, and continues with a reference to the current simulations, focusing in particular on the Emilia-Romagna region, highlighting both its technical and scientific resources as well as the attractiveness of the territory.

Consisting of  shots, archive images, renderings, animations and simulations made on a supercomputer, the movie is a presentation of Italian scientific excellence: a research ecosystem based in Italy, with Emilia-Romagna and Bologna leading the way. A location with a network of expertise and infrastructures able to nurture the establishment of a large European weather centre, where the history of science becomes a future reality. 

There is a long scientific and university tradition, a research ecosystem with its roots in the territory, but with an international outlook.  Promoting care for the environment and sustainability; highly qualified professional researchers, with a network of skills in renowned supercomputing and research centers for energy and environment, and a good quality of life; all these features  make Bologna the ideal candidate to become the headquarters of the European Weather Centre.

Bologna, the right place.