EuHIT School on Turbulence, 4-6 July, Warsaw

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EuHIT (European High-Performance Infrastructures in Turbulence) is a unique chance for scientific and industry communities alike to conduct fluid dynamics experiments using the most advanced European research infrastructure. Cineca is partner of EuHIT.

In order to make this opportunity available to greater number of potential users the EuHIT School on Turbulence will be organized on 4-6 July 2016 at University of Warsaw.

The EuHIT School on Turbulence provides young researchers an opportunity for attending high quality lectures on fluid dynamics experimental techniques, numerical methods in fluid dynamics and the theory of turbulence.

In addition to the lectures, EuHIT Research Infrastructures staff will be providing demonstration of the possibilities and prospective experimental setups that can be used in EuHIT. The School is offering an occasion for fostering ideas of experimental research in fluid dynamics, verify them against the state of the art of the field and mature them in individual discussions. It is also an excellent opportunity for preparation proposals for the last call for experiments in the most advanced research infrastructure gathered in the EuHIT Consortium.

Thank to EuHIT sponsorship this event is free of charge, including basic accommodation.
Limited number of travel grants will be awarded (deadline for application is 1.03.2016).

More information e application on EuHIT web site