The OptimESM General Assembly at Cineca Unveils Pioneering Climate Research

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The OptimESM project’s General Assembly is currently underway at Cineca in Bologna, Italy, from March 12 to 14, marking a crucial gathering of experts dedicated to advancing Earth System Models (ESMs) for climate research. Behind the European partners also other International organisations are attending the General Assembly: the National Center of Atmospheric Research from U.S, the University of the Witwatersrand – Global Change Institute – in South Africa and the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology

About OptimESM

OptimESM, standing for Optimization of Earth System Models, is a collaborative effort initiated in January 2023, bringing together scientists from diverse fields. The project, coordinated by The Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institutespans five years and focuses on refining and advancing Earth System Models to create a new generation of ESMs. These models will be employed to produce cutting-edge climate simulations, considering novel emission scenarios generated by the project’s Integrated Assessment Models (IAMs).

Primary Objectives

The primary goal of OptimESM is to elevate the capabilities of Earth System Models by enhancing resolution and process realism. This advancement aims to provide more accurate and detailed long-term climate projections. The project emphasizes delivering insights that align with policy requirements and societal needs. This includes guidance on regional climate change across various levels of global warming, assessing the risk of abrupt Earth system changes, and understanding the regional impacts stemming from these events.

Cineca’s Role:

Cineca plays a crucial role in the OptimESM project, particularly through its High-Performance Computing (HPC) Data Management and HPC Data Analytic teams.

HPC Data Management:

Cineca’s HPC Data Management team is instrumental in establishing an Earth System Grid data node. This node will store and provide access to the vast output generated by the new Earth System Models within the OptimESM project.
Interactive Access Computing:
The team also provides HPC resources, enabling researchers to utilize Interactive Access Computing. This service grants access to a restricted set of compute nodes on the Galileo100 supercomputer, utilizing a web interface based on Jupyterlab.
Statistical Downscaling and Regional Impacts:
Cineca’s HPC Data Analytic team contributes to the project’s Statistical Downscaling and regional impacts at high resolution. They are actively working on developing new methods for statistical downscaling to enhance the spatial resolution of OptimESM projections to at least 10 km. This effort is geared towards making the ESM simulations more valuable for the impacts and adaptation community.

The ongoing General Assembly serves as a pivotal moment for OptimESM, propelling climate research towards new frontiers and advancing our understanding of Earth’s complex systems.

Outreach Event

The project partners are organising an outreach event @CNR scheduled for the 13th of March (17-19) open to the citizens “Clima e società tra 50 anni: crea il tuo futuro con OptimESM”:

Free admission in attendance by reservation

Remote event fruition