Leonardo back in production

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  4. Leonardo back in production

Dear users,

Leonardo is back in production with the announced upgraded environment on lustre (v. 2.14), operating system and system software stack (Red Hat 8.7) and, for the booster partition, on nvidia drivers (530.30.02, CUDA 12.1). A new software stack, built with CUDA 12.1, is now available in profile/candidate, while cuda 12.1 toolkit is already available in the base profile.

IMPORTANT: Since there are some missing softwares/applications that we will add in the following days to the new software stack present in profile/candidate (like the nvhpc-compiled stack), the older software stack, based on CUDA 11.8, will remain available and will continue to work with the new NVIDIA drivers.

After an initial period of validation, the new stack will be moved in profile/base. We will inform users via news letter.

DGCP users: please note that, due to a temporary misconfiguration of the scheduler, at present a maximum of 32 cpus can be requested per node (against the expected 112). Jobs requiring more than 32 cpus will be rejected at submission or will remain pending with the reason “BadConstraints”. We are working to fix the issue and we will inform you as soon as the problem is solved.

Best regards,
HPC User Support – CINECA