LEONARDO DCGP Partition: Start of production phase
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- LEONARDO DCGP Partition: Start...
Dears users,
We are happy to announce that the Data Centric General Purpose (DCGP) partition of Leonardo is ready to enter the production phase today, February 12th.
LEONARDO DCGP production environment relies on job submission to the SLURM scheduler (as all the other CINECA clusters) through the new dedicated partition dcgp_usr_prod.
An intel-oneapi based software stack (compilers, libraries, tools) is already available within the module environment, together with some relevant applications.
For general information on cluster access, storage areas, SLURM submission, and the module environment please refer to the general Leonardo Userguide (https://wiki.u-gov.it/confluence/display/SCAIUS/UG3.2%3A+LEONARDO+UserGuide) and the DCGP dedicated section: https://wiki.u-gov.it/confluence/display/SCAIUS/UG3.2.2%3A+LEONARDO+DCGP+UserGuide
Best regards,
HPC User Support @ CINECA