Quantum Computing Cloud Resources Update

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Dear Users,

we are pleased to announce some new additions to our Quantum Computing cloud and emulation resources:

  1. As of July, we are the first to have access to Pasqal’s cloud resources for their Quantum Analog Neutral Atom Computer
  2. We have expanded the Quantum Suite of quantum emulators on Leonardo (module load profile/quantum) and Galileo100 (module load profile/quantum, module load autoload), now includes:
    • Cirq (Google) – module load cirq
    • Ocean (D-wave) – module load ocean
    • Qiskit (IBM) – module load qiskit
    • Pulser (Pasqal) – module load pulser
    • Qibo – module load qibo
    • Pennylane – module load pennylane
    • Quantum Matcha Tea – module load qmatcha_tea
  3. We remind you that our collaboration with D-Wave for their quantum cloud resources remains active.

You can find more information at the following links:

Best Regards. 
Cineca HPC Department-Quantum Computing Lab