Fadiga Ettore
After graduating cum laude in Mechanical Engineering in 2018 at the University of Ferrara, Ettore joined the Turbomachinery and Energy Systems research group of the same institution as a PhD student, focusing on the evaluation of real gas properties in CFD simulations and on the numerical analysis of scroll machines. He obtained his PhD in 2022, with a dissertation entitled "An open-source framework for the numerical analysis of constant and variable thickness scroll compressors ".
In June 2022, Ettore joined Leonardo Labs as a research engineer, focusing his work on aeroelastic coupled simulations, GPU-acceleration of finite volume codes and high-order CFD methods. He joined CINECA in January 2024, and he is currently working as HPC specialist in the HPC-POC solutions team.Office: Bologna
E-mail: e.fadiga at cineca dot it
Phone: +39 0512131281