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Geo-INQUIRE – Geosphere INfrastructures for QUestions into Integrated Research
The Geo-INQUIRE project is a European groundbreaking research initiative focused on advancing scientific knowledge in computational seismology, volcanology, tsunami science, and geo-hazard analysis. The project aims to improve access to cutting-edge research infrastructures, software, and data through Virtual Access (VA) and Transnational Access (TA) programs.
General Notes
Geo-INQUIRE focuses on breaking down cross-domain barriers, fostering impactful and curiosity-driven research and facilitating user awareness through training programs. The synergies between Geo-INQUIRE and other significant Solid Earth projects, such as ChEESE, EPOS, and DT-GEO, establish a foundation for joint research initiatives and interoperability across the scientific domain.
CINECA plays a twofold role in Geo-INQUIRE. On the one hand, it provides access to CINECA’s Leonardo (booster partition) and Galileo100, to support the execution of remote TAs to HPC-equipped Software as a Service and Workflow as a Service. On the other hand, it is in charge of the development of the Simulation Data Lake (SDL) infrastructure. The SDL aims to be a crucial VA service for storing and accessing simulation datasets, promoting data discoverability and reuse, as well as experiment repeatability in the context of the Geo-INQUIRE project and beyond.
Call: HORIZON-INFRA-2021-SERV-01-07 call of the Horizon Europe Program
Start date: 1st October 2022
End date: 30th September 2026
Duration in months: 48
External links: Follow the external link
Partners: 52 partners. Learn more here: Geo-inquire Partners
Contacts: Gabriella Scipione
E-mails: [email protected]