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Leonardo Supercomputer


The supercomputer Leonardo is co-funded by EuroHPC Joint Undertaking, a joint initiative between the EU, European countries and private partners created to lead the way in European supercomputing.

General notes:

Its mission is to develop a European supercomputing ecosystem, deploying world-class supercomputers across Europe, and developing a full European supply chain: from processors and software to applications to be run on these supercomputers and know-how to develop strong European expertise.

Some of these supercomputers will be exascale systems, able to perform more than one trillion operations per second. The EuroHPC supercomputers are made accessible to European researchers, industry and businesses, to develop new applications in areas such as artificial intelligence and personalised medicine, drug and material design, bio-engineering, weather forecasting, and combating climate change.

The EuroHPC JU was established on 28 September 2018 and is currently regulated by Council Regulation (EU) 2021/1173.

Call: EuroHPC

Start date: 01/01/2019

End date: 02/08/2028

Duration in months: 107

External links: Follow the external link

Partners: Leonardo about page

Contacts: Gabriella Scipione / Mirko Cestari

E-mails: [email protected] [email protected]