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Network for Italian Genome
The NIG (Network for Italian Genome) project aims to create a centralized repository for human genomic variant data produced by massively parallel sequencing.
General Notes
CINECA has implemented and made available only to users of NIG centers and in possession of an appropriate digital certificate for the client workstation, an online platform that allows the upload of input files in fastq.gz format and their associated metadata. To ensure the security and privacy of the sensitive -omics data of the subjects whose exomes have been sequenced, the files uploaded are stored on Virtual Machines with encrypted volumes accessible only by internal personnel through 2FA and access log tracking. CINECA has also been appointed as data processor by specific agreements signed with each single center
Once the upload is finished, there is a Workflow Management System (WMS) based on Snakemake and orchestrated by Celery that dispatches the data in parallel jobs, allocating for each step of the analysis pipeline the necessary resources in terms of vCPUs and RAM.
The massive and continued processing of data produced by massively parallel sequencing with High Throughput Sequencing mode will allow the creation of the first centralized repository for human genomic variant data referring to the Italian population.
Start date: 2018
External links: Follow the external link
Partners: NIG Project Partners
Contacts: Elisa Rossi, Silvia Gioiosa
E-mails: [email protected], [email protected]