A Network for Supporting the Coordination of Supercomputing Research between Europe and Latin America

The RISC project aims at deepening strategic R&D cooperation between Europe and Latin America in the field of High Performance Computing (HPC) by building a multinational and multi-stakeholder community that will involve a significant representation of the relevant HPC R&D European and Latin American actors (researchers, policy makers, users).

RISC will identify common needs, research issues and opportunities for cooperative R&D on HPC between EU and Latin America in the transition to multi-core architectures across the computing spectrum and relevant programming paradigms, algorithms and modelling approaches, thus setting the basis for the formulation of a global strategy for future research.

General notes

 The RISC project objectives are:
  • Deepening strategic R&D cooperation between Europe and Latin America in the field of High Performance Computing  (HPC) by building a multinational and multi-stakeholder community through capacity building, awareness building, networking and training events
  • Assessing the ICT collaboration potential for the two regions – EU and Latin America
  • Producing  a Green Paper on High Performance Computing  and Suprcomputing Drivers and Needs in Latin America
  • Producing a Roadmap for High Performance Computing and Supercomputing strategic R&D in Latin America
  • Identifying strategic research clusters in order to foster targeted research collaboration in these areas;
  • Enhancing HPC R&D policy dialogue between policy makers and stakeholders from EU and Latin American HPC communities

The Targeted Areas where RISC will devote its research are:

  • Computational Biology (includes but not limited to: advanced modeling of the genome, genome sequencing, modeling of epidemics, etc.);
  • Oil Exploration Advanced Modeling  (includes but not limited to: advanced computational methods and techniques for oil exploration, etc)
  • Natural Disasters Modeling and Simulation ( Includes but not limited to: Hurricane a Catastrophe Modelling, Air Pollution Modelling, etc.)
  •  HPC and Supercomputing – driver for Innovation (  Innovation and HPC, etc.
  •  Other research topics of interest for industry and academia requiring HPC and Supercomputing.

Expected Results :

  • Green Paper on High Performance Computing  and Supercomputing Drivers and Needs in Latin America
  • Roadmap of High Performance Computing and Supercomputing strategic R&D in Latin America
  • Strategic research clusters established;
  • Fully functioning network focusing on activities to support and to promote coordination of the HPC and Supercomputing research between Europe and Latin America


Call: Framework Programme: FP7

Start date: 01/10/2011

End date: 01/10/2011

External links: Follow the external link

Partners: http://www.risc-project.eu/partners/

Contacts: Giovanni Erbacci

E-mails: [email protected]