
Quantum-suite is a module that contains the most important sdk for quantum computing available today. Based on the development of the software, an HPC installation was performed for the sdks capable of supporting it. Currently the suite consists of software from Nvidia (cuQuantum), Atos (myQlm), IBMQ (Qiskit), Pasqal (Pulser), D-Wave (Ocean) and Google (Cirq)List of useful links:https://qiskit.org/https://quantumai.google/cirqhttps://docs.ocean.dwavesys.com/https://github.com/pasqal-io/Pulserhttps://developer.nvidia.com/cuquantum-sdk

Version: 0.1

Availability: GALILEO100

Target: all

Official web site: https://developer.nvidia.com/cuquantum-sdk

Related Commands:

You can load the module with the command:

module load profile/quantum
module load autoload quantum-suite


Help and Documentation:

You can find documentation on the module with the command:

module load profile/quantum
module help quantum-suite