The Computational Geometry Algorithms Library (CGAL), offers data structures and algorithms like triangulations (2D constrained triangulations and Delaunay triangulations in 2D and 3D, periodic triangulations in 3D), Voronoi diagrams (for 2D and 3D points, 2D additively weighted Voronoi diagrams, and segment Voronoi di  agrams), polygons (Boolean operations, offsets, straight skeleton), polyhedra (Boolean operations), arrangements of curves and their applications (2D and 3D env       elopes, Minkowski sums), mesh generation (2D Delaunay mesh generation and 3D surface and volume mesh generation, skin surfaces), geometry processing (surface mesh simplification, subdivision and parameterization, as well as estimation of local differential properties, and approximation of ridges and umbilics), alpha shapes, convex hull algorithms (in 2D, 3D and dD), search structures (kd trees for  nearest neighbor search, and range and segment trees), interpolation (natural neighbor interpolation and placement of streamlines), shape analysis, fitting, and distances (smallest enclosing sphere of points or spheres, smallest enclosing ellipsoid of points, principal component analysis), and kinetic data structures.All these data structures and algorithms operate on geometric objects like points and segments, and perform geometric tests on them. These objects and predicates are regrouped in CGAL Kernels.Finally, the Support Library offers geometric object generators and spatial sorting functions, as well as a matrix search framework and a solver for linear and quadratic programs. It further offers interfaces to third party software such as  the GUI libraries Qt, Geomview, and the Boost Graph Library.

Version: 4.13 (MARCONI) 5.4.1 (LEONARDO)


Target: all

Official web site:

Related Commands:

You can load the module with the command:

module load autoload cgal

Help and Documentation:

You can find documentation on the module, with the command

module help cgal

You can find the documentation on the web at the original site (

CINECA consultants can be reached through the addr: [email protected]